
Oral Sedation for Comfortable Dentistry

In addition to making your experience more comfortable, oral sedative medications help reduce your memory of the experience. It allows us to complete your child’s treatment in less time and with fewer appointments. While your child’s treatment is performed, Dr. Elizabeth Kamali and Dr. Sal Taiym carefully monitor your child’s vital signs to ensure that their experience is as safe as possible. Another advantage of this type of sedation is that it can safely be used along with laughing gas for an even deeper feeling of relaxation.

Conscious Sedation is recommended for apprehensive children, very young children, and children with special needs. It is used to calm your child and to reduce the anxiety or discomfort associated with dental treatments. With over 3500 combined oral sedations performed by Dr. Taiym you can trust he has extensive experience taking care of your child during their dental treatment.

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